Bart’s Special Ability

The sky had completely fallen dark, but there was a huge crowd of people in the brightly lit shopping mall. Most of the people there were dressed properly and of the ordinary working-class. They could only come at night because it was their only leisure time. Bart looked a little out of place among the crowd. Nevertheless, the city of Bartow had a population of more than twenty-four million. Hence, people occasionally passed by strangely dressed people, and they could not care less.

Bart once again wandered around the mall. He felt hungry, so he bought a bunch of meat skewers from a food stall–as much as forty to fifty sticks. Bart sat down on the spot and started to gobble them up.

"That's a lot of food, won't you be too full for battle later?" Liliath grumbled upon seeing the scene being played on the screen. She had no affection for guys like Bart. He was not only arrogant, but he was also gross–he did not have any table manners whenever he ate.