Pirate Biggie VS General Sharp

Sharp stood not more than ten meters away from Biggie with an arrogant demeanor. There was no hiding the desire in his heart, his eyes were filled with an eagerness for a fight. His voice, however, remained calm and there was no sign of excitement in his tone. "Let me take this, Emily."

Emily had thought it was the end for her. She gave Biggie, who was not far off, a defeated look. This fight had made her realized that she was no match for Biggie. She might not know much about swords, but she could sense the murderous rage hidden within Biggie's sword. That alone was enough to chill one to the bone. She could tell that Sharp had decided to step into the fight because he could sense the sword's power.

She backed away in a burst and disappeared from everyone's sight in a few leaps, completely retreating from the battlefield.

Biggie did not give chase because he knew Sharp would attack the moment he tried.