What's Giving The Army Marshal A Headache

A wise man once said that the sky is always calm before the storm. 

After all the Interstellar Pirates' spaceships had been destroyed by the Army, the Army enjoyed two days and two nights of peace and quiet. Nevertheless, those two days were days many members of the Army were the most worried about. Not a single person dared to touch a drop of alcohol, fearing a raid like last time would happen again

As for information regarding the Interstellar Pirates, they seemed to vanish along with the remains of the spaceships as not a trace of it was left behind.

Even Sharp and Emily could feel the strange feeling of depression and tension. They knew that the Interstellar Pirates would make a move, but they did not know how or when–that was why the Army was so tense.

As for the Interstellar Pirates, they had all returned to Bartow. With Neptune's help, no one's information was leaked. They lurked patiently, waiting for Gu Ding's next message.