The Target Of The Dark Sectors

Sharp took a few leaps and was soon at the harbor. He dashed underneath the Golden Eagle where his people were and threw Biggie on the ground.

Biggie's eyes were closed, and he was still lost in consciousness. Sharp did not bother putting a restraining device on him because he knew Gu Ding could unlock the device in a matter of seconds.

Sharp looked off into the distance after he was finished with Biggie. Two figures were speeding toward him. It was Robert and Liliath, who were on the back of a combat robot. 

It was not long before they were by Gu Ding's side. Liliath looked worriedly at Biggie, who was lying on the ground.

"You've finally caught up. That means everyone is here," Sharp finally spoke. He seemed to have been aware that the two had been following him, but it did not bother him much.

"Biggie has lost the fight. That means you no longer have any leverage over Emily and me. There's no point in you continuing to defy us."