Lilliath, Let's Go Home

Four days had gone by since Caesar started Lilliath's. Nevertheless, Lilliath had not yet woken up.

It was already the seventh day since Lilliath had been poisoned and the Dark Sector's people had not yet come to Tampa. Gu Ding guessed that the deal was dead. Gu Ding was also secretly glad that they had frozen Lilliath as per Neptune's suggestion or she would have been dead by then.

Over the course of the four days, Neptune brought a lot of news. The biggest news of all was that Gu Ding's bounty had increased significantly.

It had increased from 320 million Star Credits to 80 million Universe Credits; it had increased by at least 200 fold.

Wanted Offender: Gu Ding

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Gene Level: Unknown

Special Abilities: Unknown

Other Abilities: Owns special arts, can enhance his own combat effectiveness manyfold

Bounty: 80 million Universe Credits