The Battle Begins

A golden-haired young man sat on a leather chair. His legs rested at the side of the table while he tapped his right index finger on the table. "Two members who are Rank 10 Gene Body, while the ranks of the others are unknown… Gu Ding and Liliath's combat effectiveness seem pretty average judging from the most recent video of them. Even if they had improved over this short time, it would be impossible for them to be powerful enough to go up against a Rank 10 Gene Body powerhouse. There's another crew member of theirs who is a robot. He hasn't gone into battle before, but it's obvious from his size that he is not a combat robot. We don't need to worry about him

No one else spoke in the room. They were aware of how much their boss loved talking to himself. It would be catastrophic for anyone to interrupt him at this time.