Bonita’s Evaluation

Jiewang was located in the middle of the Border River, and it was the largest planet that had been made suitable for inhabitation. It was also a planet known for tourism.

It was the planet where Camila's Scorpion Pirates stayed. Unlike other planets in the Border river, the only Interstellar Pirates who had residential rights were Camilia's Scorpion Pirates. Without Camilia's approval, no member of the Federation Army was allowed to visit the planet. That was her privilege as a Viscount.

Gu Ding had planned to stay on the spaceship to continue his cultivation when they arrived on the planet. He was not expecting to receive a call from Liliath below the ship the very moment he climbed onto the top of the ship's cabin.

"Get down from the ship and drag Robert out with you. Camilia's people are here to pick us up." Liliath hung up after speaking.