The Vipers And The Cat Look At Each Other In The Eye

The name 'bloodthirsty abyss demon' was known to many as an abyssal creature that walked upright on two feet like humans. Nevertheless, unlike humans, they were over thirty meters in size and had six arms and three eyes. They were extremely bloodthirsty and liked to tear their prey to pieces; they loved watching blood spurt around.

Such creatures were far from lovable. It had been given to Camilia as a gift by an admirer who knew that she had built a free reserve. He had helped her seal the beast in a volcano.

The beast was fed once a month, and it was extremely tough. Other than when it was fed, it slept in order to avoid burning more calories.

However, it had now gone into a frenzy, out of everyone's expectations. Its cry was shrill and it hit the volcano's walls frantically as if it was suffering drastic pain.