The Queen's Dinner Party

The larger parties on Jiewang were mostly dinner parties as there were thirty-six hours in a day on the planet; there were more than nine hours between dinner and the wee hours of the morning. It was the only time an average person had free time.

By the time Gu Ding and his crew arrived at the party, it was not yet dark and guests were only beginning to arrive. 

It was at such times where Gu Ding and his crew stood out like a sore thumb. Most of the people Camilia had invited were crews from Border River; many of them knew each other and were able to happily start conversations with one another. On the other hand, Gu Ding and his crew did not know anyone there.

It had not been more than half a year since their debut, and they were newcomers in Border River; they had not been there for more than a month. None of the other crews had expected Camilia to invite them to the party.