Neptune's Mistake

Noami was looking at a message that the Army had just sent to the port. The message had come from Leoben Prison's Warden, Thorso.

(A riot has broken out in Leoben Prison, there might be fugitives. Besides that, Gu Ding has arrived in Jerr and is disguised as someone else as shown in the photo. He might change his disguise. Put the port on lockdown to prevent him and other prison fugitives from escaping.)

When Noami saw the young, scarred-face man in the photo, she was shocked. "How could it be him? No wonder he didn't want to talk all the way. He was afraid that I'd recognize him through his voice..."

A few minutes later, a dynamic youth with dark brown hair and blue eyes could be seen outside the port. The person was wearing a white T-shirt and black jeans. His looked drew the attention of many passersby.

"Isn't this a little too handsome, Neptune? Why do I feel like men and women are looking at me?" Gu Ding muttered under his breath.