Gu Ding Who Advanced Again

Everyone had a door in the deepest part of their soul space. On the other side of the door was the hiding place of their soul.

Kratos soon found the door where Gu Ding's soul was hiding. No, to be exact, he saw not one door, but three.

Standing before three very different doors, Kratos wondered. "This boy has three souls? He has three personalities? Or are there two other host bodies that are symbiotic in his body? 

The three doors were quite different in appearance.

The door on the left was a magnificent golden door. The engraving on the door was of a gigantic crouching dragon with eyes made of two emerald stones. He looked as majestic as a real living creature. On the door frames were all kinds of strange birds and beasts, which even Kratos, who had lived for more than eight thousand years could not recognize. He guessed that the design consisted of some extinct ancient creatures, which was why he had never seen them.