A Trade Request From The Lord Of A Cosmic Nation

A black and white Golden Eagle could be seen traveling at a high speed in space.

A group of people was discussing something in a circle within the cabin of the spaceship.

In the middle of those people was a projection made by Neptune. The projection was a woman in a purple dress. She looked to be around twenty-years-old. Aside from the light shade of translucent lip gloss that was on her lips, there were no signs of makeup on her face. It was a picture of her without makeup, and she was so beautiful that everyone could not help but look at her in a daze. Only Robert was unfazed.

Even Liliath and Elsa could not help but burst out at the same time, "This big sister is so pretty…"

"Neptune, who is she? Why are you showing us her picture all of a sudden?" Gu Ding asked.