A Dinner Party At The Barbeque Restaurant

Looking at the long list of unreadable codes, Gu Ding knew without a second thought that it must be X. However, he also guessed that it would not be good news if X called him at this time.

"The boy timed us right." "Neptune could not help teasing.

Gu Ding pressed the answer button, and X's voice came over slowly, "I'm guessing you must have arrived by now. Am I right?"

"We just arrived. What can we do for you?" Gu Ding turned on the speaker function.

"How do I start this time?" Gu Ding and his crew all heard X mutter under his breath, then they heard X say, "The thing is, normally, when I break bad news to someone, I try to find good news and say both of them together. That way, people won't think I'm a jinx who only brings them bad news. However, I have no good news for you today. Only bad news, but it's not that bad."