Biggie Is Attacked

Although he did not have to take part in the competition anymore, Gu Ding still felt that he could not afford to lose his position as a pharmacologist, as every team was required to have one. His talent in medicine refining was undisputed; it was not acceptable for him to yield the position to someone else.

While Gu Ding was busy purchasing medicinal materials, Liliath and Elsa were also happily trying out new clothes in the bazaar. As for Biggie and Tagore, they had reached the market that was a little further away.

Looking at the eye-catching variety of ingredients, Biggie was all the more convinced that this was his field. Compared with being a swordsman, he felt he was more suited to being a chef, since he did not possess the appropriate disposition for a swordsman to the extent that if he was not under hypnosis, he was incapable of even using his weapon against another person.