Getting Out

Biggie struggled as he got up amidst the debris. The red-eyed man grinned. "You might as well just lie there. I'm quick. I won't make you feel any pain. Why struggle pointlessly? You can hardly move now, let alone fight."

Biggie regained his footing but only barely. "I won't let you take over my body. Your existence is a great threat to my friends. I will not let anyone threaten them. Also, cooking is a great profession. Becoming a good cook has always been my lifelong dream. I won't let anyone sully it!"

"Sounds boring, so... You should just go to hell!" The red-eyed man suddenly appeared in front of Biggie while blood-colored rays of light once again erupted from his dark red saber.

With his internal organs badly damaged, Biggie felt extreme pain with each move he made. It took a lot of effort for him to stand up, let alone swing a saber.