Biggie's Horrifying Combat Effectiveness

A young man in his early twenties, dressed in fancy clothes, entered the tavern and shouted arrogantly, "Who's Gu Ding?!"

Gu Ding looked at the man, whose Gene Level did not seem very high.

Gu Ding leaped off his barstool. "I'm Gu Ding. How can I help you?"

"I heard your bounty is set at 2.8 billion Universe Credits?" As the young man studied Gu Ding, he could not help thinking that the young man in front of him did not look like someone with a high bounty price.

"Hey, can't you go and see the bounty yourself?" Lilliath retorted.

"Who are you? I'm talking to your captain; can you just butt in like that?" The young man seemed to look down on Lilliath and gave her a sideways glance.