The Kidnapped Lilliath

Probrand, Old George tavern.

Even after what just happened, their drinking party went on. It did not end because of the interruption.

Neptune was aware of the article once the media posted it.

"Gu Ding, the guy you just let go recorded us in secret and sent it to the media. Now that the media has published it and the video has revealed our location, should I block it?"

"Don't worry about it. Exposing ourselves isn't that bad. Biggie's bounty price is seriously underwhelming for his level of combat effectiveness. Not only Biggie but the rest of the crew. A few small battles will help them raise their bounty price." Gu Ding actually enjoyed being hunted because the pressure made the journey feel more real. Entering the Cosmic Sea without encountering any enemies was not what he wanted.

News of Gu Ding's crew's appearance on Probrand soon spread because of the media's article and video.