Upgrade To Rank 7

Gu Ding was not bothered at all by Ross Childe's aim. To Gu Ding, Ross Childe had crossed the line when he kidnapped Lilliath.

Even though three of the four black-clothed bodyguards had been taken care of, and Lilliath had expressed that it was needless to pursue the matter, Gu Ding was not about to let it pass. That was the reason why he had called Ross Childe's number to announce his visit. Ross Childe was the mastermind behind everything while the others had only followed his orders, which was why when Lilliath suggested to let Tricke and the others go, Gu Ding did not object. 

Their spaceship left Probrand early the next morning.

Everyone began to cultivate to prepare for the upcoming battle. No one had any idea what kind of trap Ross Childe had set for them. All they could do was enhance their abilities and take down the schemer with pure brute force.