Crushing With Skill

At the end of it, Gu Ding agreed to the muscular man's challenge.

A Deity Position, even if broken, was enough to cause demigods to scramble over it wildly. Having a Deity Position meant that one could become a deity right away as a demigod. It was not a random guess without any reason but a fact that had been proven by many humans in history.

It had been well documented in history that, ever since the Ancient Age, people had become deities by engulfing Deity Positions. From the Ancient Age to Modern Age, there were more than twenty stories that had been recorded regarding a person becoming a deity by engulfing a Deity Position.

In addition to those historical stories, in the current era, there was a man named Raj in Cosmic Sea who had become a deity by engulfing a Deity Position. Therefore, no one doubted the feasibility of promoting becoming a deity through that way.