51. Expel Su family's members. Part one.

Yu Wang had breakfast with his wife after returning from his usual morning practice. Yesterday night feels sorry for his wife who continued to serve him in bed for several days in a row, Yu Wang just hugged and slept together with his wife. This prince also knew that he could not level up too fast like now without strengthening the foundation of his cultivation. Knowing his wife unique body, Yu Wang pretty sure he can level up again if he continues to wrestle in bed with her.

"Wife, this husband finished taking over all your heritage shops from the Su family hands." Yu Fengyao gives his report to his wife wanting to see her smile.

Su Qingyi feels happy hearing her husband report while having breakfast together. Smiling so brilliantly, her smile dazzling her husband.

"Thank you so much for your effort, Husband."

"There's no need to thank you. You are my wife, this husband would back you up."

Su Qingyi feels the irony from her husband words after all this prince hates her so much before. She doesn't know the cause of her husband's care now to her. Even though she doesn't know the cause, Su Qingyi will accept Yu Wang care for her because no matter what the prince is her husband now.

"This wife will make sumptuous dinner to show my gratitude then."

"If my wife makes that, this prince will accept it."

'This prince a closet foodie!' Su Qingyi can't help snicker inside her mind.

After breakfast, Su Qingyi escorts Yu Wang away from the main gate of Yu Wang's residence. After some days getting intimate attentions from Yu Wang made this young asked for permission for this young woman to be able to escort her husband's departure from the main gate. Yu Fengyao, who had started caring for his wife, would certainly not reject his wife's desire to seeing his departure to the Palace. This young prince felt very happy because he could be escorted by his wife.

'So this is what it feels like to be escorted to work by the woman you like. Even though he is only escorted by his wife until in front of the main gate of Yu Wang's residence, his heart feels very warm.'

"Stay safe on your journey, Husband. This wife will wait for you at home so we can have dinner together tonight."

Yu Wang nods on the horse he rides, this prince gives his beautiful rare smile to his wife. Seeing his wife shivers because of the morning breeze, Yu Fengyao knows he can't delay his departure.

"Alright, my wife can go inside. Don't get cold because of the morning breeze."

"This wife will go inside after seeing husband left."

Yu Wang seeing his wife determined gaze then signal his guard and left riding a horse together with them.

"Wangfei, Wangye already left now. Let's go inside." Nanny Mo put on warm cloak over her mistress fragile body and escort her inside.

"Nanny Mo, this Wangfei wants to take a look at the other heritage shops. My husband said he already helps me to take over all of the shops."

Before Nanny Mo can agree to her request, Butler Chen interrupts.

"Wangfei, before you go there, this old eunuch suggest for Wangfei to see all of these reports about the heritage shops."

Butler Chen shows some stack full of document being hold by his assistants to his mistress. All of these documents contain reports about the heritage shops conditions over the years. Yu Wang told him to collect all of these from the intelligence team belongs to Yu Wang's forces. Yu Wang doesn't want his wife to alert others without knowing anything like before.

"Oh~ Where are these reports come from?"

"Yu Wang told this old one to collects it."

Butler Chen can't tell his mistress about Yu Wang forces without his Master permission.

"Alright, this Wangfei will read it then."

Waving his hand, Butler Chen let his assistants put all the documents inside Hongmei Courtyard's study room. Inside this study room, there's a big study table with a rectangular shape made from expensive wood. On the table, there is some writing equipment made of expensive materials. Butler Chen assistants put those stack documents neatly. Seeing those stack makes Su Qingyi feel uncomfortable. This young woman doesn't like to take care of all this.

"Does Wangfei need help to take care all of this?" asked Butler Chen, noticing the irritation emanating from Wangfei.

'Master, don't worry, Yuten can help you to read all of these documents like before!'

Hearing Yuten's enthusiastic voice in her mind, Su Qingyi who was annoyed to see all the paper reports presented by Butler Chen looked better. Refusing the help offered by Butler Chen, Su Qingyi locked herself inside the study room after forbidding anyone to disturbed her until she got out herself from the study room.

'Alright, Yuten, please help me to sort out all of these reports.'

Su Qingyi let Yuten out from her space and sat down in one of the wooden benches that are usually used for relaxing, not far from the large study table. The wooden bench covers by some thick and smooth furs made from wild beasts. Su Qingyi used the bench pillow to lean on. The wooden bench placed under a large wooden window that is slightly open. From the large window, some breeze blows makes Su Qingyi feels relax and start to feel sleepy. While she feels sleepy, Yuten works hard to read all the reports and sort it up. Inside the reports, Yuten can find many things about the heritage shops belong to his Master.

Inside these reports, Yuten's know now that his Master has five heritage stores. The heritage shops consist of one jewellery shop; Jade Jewel Pavilion, one clothing store; Jade Cloud Pavilion, a tea shop; Relaxing Jade Pavilion, one fruit shop; Fruit Jade Pavilion, an antique shop; Jade Antique Pavilion. All of these shops have enormous profits that make him grit his teeth in annoyance because none of these profits sent to his Master to be used before.