55. Team three on the loose.

Team three separated themselves into two groups and arrived in front of their respective destination shops. Using tokens that showed that they were all members of Yu Wang's elite team, all the guards gathered all the members of the Su family inside the shops. These guards told all members of the Su family who worked in each of these stores to leave the store immediately.

Su's family members works inside these shops initially did not want to leave the shop where they worked for years and enjoyed the benefits they could get from working there. Getting resistance from all of them, this team three members who were disgusted by all these people happily beat them all to a pulp.

All members of the Su family were forced to leave the shop in a messy and battered state. They went hobbling away from the shop where they worked while behind them all three team members smiled broadly. At least they had vented their frustration with the Su family even if only a little. If it wasn't for fear of making trouble for Yu Wang, team three members would have loved to beat them all to paralyze or almost die.

On the way to meet with his friends at one of Capital City's famous restaurants; Meican Hall, Yu Wang got news written in jade amulet from Weishi-er. Getting the news from Weishi-er, the look on Yu Wang's usually cold face turned rather strange. The prince's strange acts made the guards who accompanied him be on alert.

"Wangye, what's up?" asked Weishi-yi in a whisper.

Yu Wang glanced at Weishi-yi after changing his expression back to normal.

"Weishi-er told this prince that he sent team three to help expel the Su family members from Wangfei's heritage shops."

Listening to Yu Wang's revelation, Weishi-yi's expression also became rather strange. The man who always alternates with Weishi-er to accompany Yu Wang as the bodyguard also feels confused about laughing or crying to hear that the team three sent to drive out those greedy people. Maybe to deal with people like that requires a team like this team three who likes to act like thugs or bandits in the war.

"What do you think about them being sent there, Wangye? They will beat those greedy people to a pulp. Does Wangye want to stop team three before they do something worse to those people?" Weishi-yi tried to find out Yu Wang's opinion about the news of team three.

"Hmph, this prince is happy to hear that team three being sent to take care of those greedy people from the Su family. It's great that team three would beat them all, this prince will fully support their actions. Those people have been enjoying the benefits from the shops that this prince's wife supposed to be enjoying for a long time."

Hearing Yu Wang's support for team three made Weishi-yi sigh of relief because this man who's age not far apart from Yu Wang knew that Weishi-san's team would cause problems with their brutish actions. Having Yu Wang's support would make team three not have to worry about the consequences of their actions after they got back to the elite guard's base.

"Weishi-yi, send word to Weishi-san team that they may beat those greedy people if those members of the Su family who work there don't want to be kicked out by them. This prince permits them to act brutish as long as they do not kill those people."

Weishi-yi immediately used the jade amulet to send Yu Wang's order to Weishi-san.

Weishi-san laughed loudly after receiving Yu Wang's orders sent by Weishi-yi through the jade amulet. Although Yu Wang's order arrived late, this man who likes to act like a thug feels happy to get permission. That way, his team doesn't need to get military punishment when returning to the elite guard base.

After expelling all the Su family members from the two shops that were the purpose of team three mission, Weishi-san ordered the vice-captain to seal the shop at the vice captain's destination. Weishi-san also sealed the shop that was his mission destination. Both of these shops need to be sealed and cannot be used for business for a while because Wangfei would need to reorganize the existing management.

Waiting for all the store staffs to come out from the shop, Weishi-san told his men to lock the shop and leave the shop and his men riding horses. Weishi-san will gather with the second group where they parted before. Riding shortly, the fractional group headed by Weishi-san arrived at their meeting place and waited for the second group headed by the third team vice-captain.

"Third chief-" Team three vice-captain's voice was heard not far from where the Weishi-san shards group was waiting for the second group to arrive.

"How are your side doing?" asked Weishi-san to the vice-captain of team three after the man approached with the other second group members.

"Those Su family's men refused to go at first so we all force to beat them up." Vice-captain team three sharing what happens at their side to his leader.

"Hmph, they are acts the same!"

"Are your side like that too?"

"Yea, they are tried to fight back. With that weak martial art, they all maybe can be some tyrant in the shops but fighting us makes them looks so weak like the ant."

"So, you beat them all too."

"How can I'm the one to beat them? If I'm the one to beat them, they all will end up dead without they know it."

"Ah, that's true, after all, you are a Heaven-level martial artist."

"Yea, so do you."

Smiling knowingly, these two men start to move back to the Yu Wang residence after Weishi-san sent their news to Weishi-yi. They need to told Yu Wang about their accomplish mission. Yu Wang would want to know early.

Inside the Meican Hall, Yu Wang eats lunch with his close friends while waiting for the news he knows would be sent by team three's chief. Although not visible from his cold and elegant attitude, all of Yu Wang's close friends knew that this man looked impatient. These men did not dare to ask what made Yu Wang look impatient, they could only wait for Yu Wang to share it with them. Too curious about the problems of a royal prince can make them burn easily, these young men do not want to burn carelessly without knowing.