66. Yu Wang's going back home.

Phew! After speaking for a long time at the Dowager Empress Palace, the Emperor finally excused himself while dragging Yu Wang to stay in a guest room in the Emperor's Imperial Palace. If it wasn't for the Emperor's permission, Yu Wang, who had become an adult prince, wouldn't have been easy to visit the Dowager Empress Palace in the Inner Court, where the Emperor's harem was located. Staring at the guest room provided by the Emperor for him at the Palace, Yu Wang could not help to feel upset because his brother made him sleep alone while the Emperor could sleep with his wife in the Empress Palace which was located next to the Imperial Palace.

Staring at the sky that was still dark, fortunately, the Emperor did not make him talk for hours just to discuss Empress's pregnancy with him, otherwise, Yu Wang was sure he would throw a tantrum at the Emperor. Although he was happy that his older brother would soon have children, Yu Wang actually felt jealous too. This handsome man did not expect to feel jealous because he also wanted to have a child from Su Qingyi. Taking a deep breath, he felt homesick and miss his lovely wife. Convinced that he will not be able to sleep tonight, Yu Wang meditates to strengthen the foundation of his cultivation level which is rapidly increasing due to the uniqueness of his wife's body.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Fengyao wore back the clothes that had been replaced with new sleepwear sent by the palace servants. He decided to return to his private residence and sleep tonight hugging his wife on his own bed later. Finished dressed by his casual clothes, Yu Wang walked out of the room and met the eunuch who was assigned to accompany him when he comes to the Imperial Palace.

"Yu Wang, isn't Your highness resting?"

"No, this prince wants to go back to this prince's own residence right now. This Prince wants you to tell the Imperial brother when Your Majesty wakes up later that this Prince will return and choose to not staying at the Palace tonight. This Prince will also not attend the morning court tomorrow. This prince wants to take time off for tomorrow morning court."

After delivering the message to the Palace eunuch, Yu Wang walked away from the Palace using his expert movement skills. He did not wait for the eunuch to prepare his beloved horse, nor did he wait for the guards who followed him to the Palace to return with him. Moving very fast, Yu Fengyao arrived at Yu Wang's residence in one hour. Knocking slowly, the gate door opens by the night guard.

"Wangye, your back?"

Yu Wang just nods and walks past the gate door still using his movement skill and move to his wife courtyard. Don't want to knock and disturbing his wife sleep time, Yu Wang jumps the wall and land softly inside the courtyard compound. His movement skill made no sound so there's no guard caught his entrance. Walks slowly to his wife's room, he sees his wife maids guard the bedroom door.

"Wangye, your back?"

Nanny Mo who used to guard at her young mistress bedroom door when Yu Wang did not sleep together with Su Qingyi called the prince. The old maid looks surprised seeing the prince back so late at night. She thought the prince will stay at the Palace tonight after waiting for so long for his return.

"En, is Wangfei sleep now?"

"Yes, Wangye, Wangfei waiting for you before but heard from Head butler that Wangye will stay at the Palace, so she finally went to sleep."

"Alright then, this prince gonna sleep here tonight."

Waving his sleeve, chasing Nanny Mo smoothly, Yu Wang slowly opened the bedroom door. Yu Wang did not want to wake his wife who had not been asleep for long. Moving towards the bed, Yu Wang took off the casual clothes he was wearing and changed to his sleepwear which was hung near the bed. After changing clothes and wiping his face that feels dirty with cold towels that are always prepared near the clothes hanger, Yu Wang climbed onto the bed and entered the thick blanket. Hugging his sleeping wife, Yu Wang slid his head around Su Qingyi's tender slim neck and inhaled the soothing fragrance from his wife's slightly cold body.


Su Qingyi felt the presence of Yu Wang's body who is hugging her slender body. Opening her sleepy eyes, this young woman shifts her body's position for a more comfortable position inside her husband's arms.

"Forgive this prince for waking you from your sleep."

"It's alright. This wife can't sleep too deeply before."

Su Qingyi smiled faintly. Her smooth hands move to hold her husband waist and lean her head to Yu Wang's broad shoulder. After a while, her soft breath can be heard by Yu Wang making the young prince also follow asleep after his wife.

Morning at the Imperial Palace is a busy day for all the servants and eunuchs working at the Palace. They woke up before the sun rises just to clean the Palace so their masters can see clean and beautiful Palace when they awake in the morning. After the present Emperor starts to take the throne, he never spent the night inside the Emperor own Palace but always spent the night at the Empress Palace which builds next to the Emperor Palace. Even when many ministers protest, The present Emperor never budge on the habit, so the ministers only can shut their complaints. They all can't push the present Emperor too much because the Emperor right now got backing from his blood brother on the military; Yu Wang. Using Yu Wang to control all the ministers, Yu Fengyan's lives freer than his own father who's being controlled by ministers and great aristocrats families complaints. For this, Yu Fengyan always feels sorry at his own younger brother.

"So, Yu Wang go back at his own residence last night?"

Yu Fengyan asked his eunuch this question after the Emperor being told that Yu Wang not staying at the Palace.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Yu Wang also requests to takes leave for today's morning court."

"Oh~ that's rare for him to do. Fine, then, this Emperor will accept his request for one day leave after all this Emperor is the one who disturbs his sleep time yesterday."