86. Cold-treatment reasons.

"Greeting, xiaoxu (son in law)."

Su Gaishan smiled at the frown on his son-in-law's forehead. Yu Wang is known as a cold and stiff face. However, whenever he faced him and his brothers and sisters who came to visit at night, Yu Wang often changed his expression like now. Su Gaishan felt relieved because this meant that the young man who was the husband of his beloved daughter felt familiar with them and thus displayed an expression different from the stiff expression that Imperial Family members skillfully used.

Besides Yu Wang's father in law, his father in law half-siblings also came to visit together with the man in his mid-thirties. They all greeted him formally which made Yu Wang feel bad because they were all his wife's elders.

"Can't all of you choose an earlier time to come to visit my manor?"

Yu Wang felt compelled to make them change the visiting time they chose each time they came to his residence. Hearing his son in law's question, Su Gaishan smiled stiffly. This man also wanted to come to visit at a more appropriate time to meet his beloved daughter, but the Su Clan members under the influence of the Su Clan's patriarch were always watching over them. He couldn't bring his family, who was still tied to the Su Clan, cornered. Yu Wang who was watching his father-in-law's expression saw the change on Su Gaishan's face which was also visible on the faces of all his half-siblings.

"Wangye, it's not that we all don't want to visit your manor at a more appropriate time in the day time, but we all can't do it."


Su Raole looked at all the older brothers who remain silent and determined to tell Yu Wang about their predicament.

"Because we are all supervised by Patriarch's men."

"What? Why Su Lingdao's wants to supervise all of you?"

"Raole! You don't need to tell Yu Wang about those. This is an inner problem within the Su Clan, Yu Wang doesn't need to know and be involved in it."

"Eldest brother, of course, Yu Wang needs to know. That old man is the reason you've been forced to be cold towards Qing-er all these years. That guy always threatens to send Qing-er away from the Su Clan as a slave just to keep you and father suppressed by him."


Su Raole looked stressed and pouted that her eldest brother shouted at her. The young woman was eight years younger than Su Gaishan and was half-sibling with him, but she cared deeply for her eldest brother who was kind and patient with all of his half-siblings since they were all born.

"Eldest brother, Raole just stressed over your cold relationship with Qing-er because of that old man." Su Kuanshu, the second brother tried to calm the anger radiating from Su Gaishan's gaze.

Yu Wang, who was watching their heated conversation, was silent and deep in thought. No wonder they always visit at strange times like this. Apparently, all of it was because of Su Lingdao.

"If you only rely on Su Lingdao's martial arts strength, he won't be able to push you all around like this because all of your martial arts are higher than him, especially father-in-law's martial arts who have reached the Heaven Qi warrior; middle-stage at thirty-something. So, perhaps some of the Su Clan's Heaven Qi warrior elders force you all to submit?"

Hearing Yu Wang's correct guess, everyone was shocked and fell silent. The rumors about Yu Wang's intelligence are right on spot.

"Apparently my guess is right."

"Yes, xiaoxu is right. Su Clan's Heaven Qi warrior elders indeed forced the family line of this father in law to submit to Su Lingdao using blood contract after he was elected as Patriarch of the Su Clan. My father couldn't become the Patriarch of the Su Clan because of the trouble Su Lingdao had caused us before, so we were all forced to live under his mercy. When my father; Su Yanjiu was successfully elected as Minister Su of the education department and being favored by the previous Emperor, the man was afraid that my father would try to annul the contract so that man used Qing-er as a hostage to make us continue to obey the contract."

"Hmm…this Wangye understand now. Using my Wangfei as a hostage before and threaten to send her away as a child slave."

Anger continues to grow inside Yu Fengyao's while hearing the reason his father in law's family lived under the threat of Su Lingdao. Yu Fengyao really wanted to finish off the old man. Unfortunately, as long as Su Lingdao is still the Patriarch of the Su Clan, his life will be protected by Su Clan's Heaven Qi warrior elders. If he were to act heavily, Su Clan's Heaven Qi warrior elders would definitely complain about injustice to his Imperial Brother. With his cultivation power now reaching Golden Core level 6, he could have finished all of them, but his older brother is the present Emperor now, so the Emperor can't get bad rapport because of him. Yu Fengyao didn't want to make his Imperial older brother feels bad just because of his loose emotions as the younger brother.

��Now Su Qingyi is this Wangye's legal wife. Does father in law not want to break away from Su Clan's blood contract? "

Su Gaishan and his half-siblings fell silent. It was also true for Yu Wang's words, now that old man could no longer use Su Qingyi as a hostage because she had become Yu Wang's legal wife. There was no way the old man could sneak in and kidnap Su Qingyi to become his hostage again. Yu Wang's manor was closely guarded, with the ability of Su Lingdao's elite group there was no way anyone could infiltrate this place easily. The bodyguards who served in Yu Manor had high martial arts skills.

"Xiaosu's right. Qing-er was no longer that old man's hostage. Now, all of us can free ourselves from the old man's blood contract." Su Gaishan smiled when he thought that his beloved daughter had been freed from Patriarch Su's threat.

"That's right, Eldest brother, that old man must not have realized this when he decided to swap Qing-er to marry Yu Wang in place of Su Mingmei. Luckily Yu Wang cares about Qing-er, so we can rest easy." Su Raole smiled at the relief from her eldest brother's voice.

"Then, come on, let's go back. We have to tell father to visit to meet the elders later." Su Baohan, the third brother couldn't wait to remind their father about these happy things.