Chapter 22

" COME, GET BEHIND US " yelled Newt as she rushed to the front calling out to the now-former slaves. civilians rushed forth as some fell in fear that a demon was chasing them. " AHH " a child screamed as a man looking behind him ran into her, smashing her into the group.

seeing a small child the same size as her get smashed to the ground noir rushed over.

The child was sweating, dirt and mud stained her tan skin. she started at the ground biting her lip as she tried to swallow her pain. Seeing as Noir was looking after her I turned around walking forward with grace and dominance.

I stare at the girl, malnourished to the point where you could see her intestines and organs, are arms and legs so then you think if you tried to hold her hand she would snap in two. "hey look at me, your gonna be fine " I said hold my hand carefully to her hand, shortly after a green glow lite up my hand healing all the wounds on her body.

" Hayley bring me some food " I called out to one of the soldier's Goddess Nova allowed me to command, " yes ma'am " hearing a soft voice respond and the clanking of metal armor become distant I began to bring my attention back to the girl, who continued to stare at the ground.

" Hey, are you hungry," I asked lightly rubbing her tanned soldiers, her bangs covered her face she slowly lifted her head. Staring at her I evaluated her appearance unconsciously, lower jaw, and facial features suggest she can become a beauty.

Hair color is brunette with a tint color of amber, reaching my hand out I lightly caressed her cheek. Seeing she did not refuse me I calmly brushed her bangs to her right ear, exposing her amber eyes as the Hayley walked forward bringing a massive plate of food. I must say, Goddess Nova, I love your taste in women I stated, nodding unconsciously.

Walking out of the shadows of the forest My white skin was exposed to the sunlight I looked over at the distance as the massive walls now showed their true height, with the height of five hundred feet at least, they stood there with an imposing matter.

" Humph, trivial " I claimed, waving my hand a powerful force began to gather and explode forward at the massive walls from. 'BOOM' Slamming into the walls with such that it immediately exploded, I watched as the walls came crumbling down, slamming into the soldiers below.

" ARGHHHH ", " H-HEELPPP SOMEONE HELP ME, soldiers wailed out like pigs being slaughtered as many others were directly crushed as any under soul gathering realm turned into meat paste when directly crushed by the massive chunks of the wall.

I walked on slowly finally making it past the trench holes, I walked past the fallen debris as blood laid underneath the rubble oozing out slowly.

" Please save me I'll do anything "a soldier with no helmet reached out with bloodshot eyes, from his mouth blood poured out. Guts were sprawled about as his lower half was crushed by a rock, blood painting a tale of horror.

seeing my gaze his eyes started to tear, I paused staring as he began to cry tears stained with his one blood. I watched as his heartbeat slowed down as his eyes slowly started to close, I began to walk continuing my march to the palace.

slowly I made my way through the demolished gates as surviving soldiers gathered before me " DIE " one screamed recklessly charging me with a silver spear swinging it wildly side by side. Looking at such poor spearmanship I felt repulsed clenching my hand into a fist at my side.

Instantly, the man burst into a bloody mist slowly raining down on his comrade, " ah " " NO ' the soldiers fell to the stone-tiled ground in fear. a vile sour smell began to ferment in the air as the sound of flowing water could be heard.

" Stay out of my way or die, " I said dominantly as I began to rush forward wanting to finish this battle quickly, " have the soldiers help the injured, Sadi I'm going to go finish this ".