
I walked happily towards the mirror. Hmm, I thought I was ready to go to the hospital. 

Lisa said that I was unconscious for three days. I hoped he did not wait for me and felt worried about me.

What thing did I talk about at this time? He? Worried? Luke? No, it was impossible, though. 

He never cared for the original Elena Marlen. I wondered why there was someone so gentle like the original Elena.

She never got the thing she wanted, but her character never changed. She is truly a goddess, and I wondered why her husband never noticed her charm.

I could even feel Elena's charm just by looking at the mirror. Her taste for clothes is excellent, and everything she wore looks good on her. 

I wore a soft red dress with a little ribbon around my waist. Elena is truly a goddess. Even though she wore little makeup, I could see she is truly eye-catching.

There was minimal information about her in the story.

But after I transmigrated to this world, I got some of her memories. That was why I knew she had a twin younger brother. 

In the novel, the author just described her as a princess. Maybe her character is more like a mob character. 

She was not the protagonist, and she was not a villainess either. She had a minimal role, and she appeared more when Luke was in a coma. 

So that meant I needed to fight with the female protagonist and the villain of this novel?.

I knew this world from a novel, but luke was not a story character. Luke is truly alive. I had already died in my previous world. When I lose my life once more, I will die for sure here.

The sound of a knock at the door made me come back from my thoughts. I walked towards the door and opened the door.


The sound of a middle-aged woman who felt relieved and hugged me tightly before I could even know who she was.

"Are you okay, Elena?."

She looked at me with concern, and her voice trembled a little. But some memory came back to me.

I knew who this woman was. She is Luke's mother.

"I am okay, Mom. Sorry to make you worry." I looked at her with my smiles.

"I am worried. Your dad and I were abroad for a few days, and we heard that you were unconscious. 

We are worried. Your dad couldn't make time to come, and there is an important thing he has to do."

"I understand, mother. You won't have to come back as soon as possible. You still have me to take care of Luke. You have to spend more time with dad."

"What are you talking about, Elena. We were worried about you.

 Your dad will investigate this matter. 

They dare to lay a hand on my prince. 

I won't forgive them. 

Are you okay, Elena? Did you feel sick because Luke is in a coma?" She looked worriedly at her daughter in law.

Elena is a kind and gentle girl. Why did her child neglect her? We knew how he treated Elena. 

But Elena never talked about it. She was smiling like there was no problem at all. We were scared that she would divorce Luke because now there was only a little hope that he would wake up.

But we were shocked when she said she would take care of Luke whatever happened to him. She believed that Luke would wake up soon.

"Don't worry, mom. Luke will wake up soon. For now, you need to take care of your body. 

If you are sick, Luke will get angry at me and say that I neglected his parents" I smile sincerely toward her.

In my previous life, I was an orphan. Later I found out that I was an abandoned child, My father had already died, and my mother married again to a rich person, and she thought that I was a burden for her and decided to leave me in an orphanage.

I didn't know why my tears were flowing.

"Elena? are you okay?" looking at Elena seriously and worriedly.

"I am okay, mom, it is just it is the first time I felt there is someone worried about me" I smiled lovingly.

Why was there such a goddess in front of her? Elena lacked affection since she was a kid.

"you don't have to act though in front of me.", hugged Elena tightly.

"I understand, mom.", I said while nodding my head.

"Mom, I want to come to the hospital now, so please rest at home," I added.

"I will come with you.", mother said

"No, you have to rest. Mom is the flower of dad's heart, and if you are sick too, I am worried Dad will not do her job well. 

He is worried about Luke. You are the most beloved woman in his heart, so you need to think more about your health," I smiled naturally.

"This girl, you tease your mother too much. I will rest for a while," mother said with a blush on her cheeks.

"Of course I will, mother."

Luke has a truly perfect family. They are not just kind and gentle, but they love Luke very much. 

Luke is the only child they have, and his mother had a weak and fragile body, so she could not have a second child.

I walked towards the car that would take me to the hospital. It was not long after I left home that I already arrived in the hospital.

I could smell alcohol everywhere. I don't favor this smell. The smell of blood and death everywhere.

I walked towards Luke's room. I opened the door, and Luke seemed like a sleeping beauty on the bed. 

He is handsome. His facial face is sharp, and his eyes look beautiful, even though they are closed.

He has a pointed nose.

He is tall and sturdy.

I could see his powerful muscle through his clothes. Ah, I didn't want to tell you, but I have a muscle fetish. 

His arms look strong. I could imagine what it felt when it held me tightly.

What was I thinking? We were not married because we have feelings for each other. Ah, it felt like I could see, but I could not touch. 

I could not touch him, nor could I have him. Hmm, this guy is handsome, but why does the female protagonist never notice him?

But the novel itself was strange. The usual story is that the female lead would like the male protagonist at first sight. 

But the way to get the male lead would be full of hardship. But this was one upside down.

How could you imagine such a powerful guy chased after a girl?

It looked kind of scary, I meant he could have any girl he wanted, but he stuck with a girl that was a scumbag. 

I looked at Luke. I felt sorry for him, though.

"I am sorry, Luke, I can not come for several days, but I got sick and unconscious for three days. I am sorry to make you worried, though."

I look at him apologetically.

"What am I talking about at this moment? He won't be worried about me though huh, he is unconscious. 

He never loved me, so why is he worried? No, even though he worries about me, he is unconscious, though, but someone said that a person in a coma could hear his surroundings, but maybe it is just a false accusation".

"Whatever it is, you have to be healthy again and wake up as soon as possible.", Walk towards Luke and take a small towel and wipe down his hands.

Ah, I touched his powerful arms, I felt so happy ah ah ah I love his beautiful arms. I massaged him carefully and wiped down his arms.

"Ah, you are sweaty so much, it looks like you are running ten laps without stopping. 

Hm, I wonder if I can see you run ten laps, I bet you must look so handsome. 

Ah, I wonder why I have a husband that I can not have." I wonder why I felt so sad suddenly?

I could say before I transmigrated, I already have feelings for him.

It was a shame to like a novel character, but now I really entered this world, but I still could not have him.

"Ah, why am I crying? 

I never showed such weakness before. What happened to me? Maybe I loved you too much, but don't worry. 

I won't bother you again in the future, and if you want to divorce me, I will accept it silently.

The most important thing is your happiness."

I massaged his left arms carefully. I rubbed his legs too, but my tears never stopped flowing.

"I am sorry that I made your legs wet with my tears, don't worry, I will wipe it down so that you don't feel sticky" I continued to take care of him. 

This man, I hoped for him to find his happiness even though it was not with me.

"I wonder why we love them deeply, but they won't even notice it? Ah, I can see how complicated love is. It is the same as you love her. 

It is the same as I love you.

We never noticed each other's feelings. As for you, another girl is just a small bug for you, and I am on the list of the bugs that fell in love with you. 

Love is hard to understand. If they love you, they will never leave you alone.

Why do I fall in love like this? This feeling is too unbearable. I know we have the same feeling about love. 

Love is complicated, hurtful, breaks you down, but along the way, it can make you happy and smile honestly", I talked with a cheerful voice like we were talking about the weather.

I take a deep breath. Then I sang a song that came through my mind with a soft voice and soft tone.

[If the wind can talk}

[I want to tell you]

[How much this heart beats only for you]

[How heavy it feels]

[When I can not see you]

[How sad it is}

[When I look how sad you are]

[If the star can make my wish come true]

[I want you to be happy]

[I want you to smile more]

[Even Though it is not for me]

[I want you to look at how beautiful the world is]

[I want you to know]

[Rainbow always appears when the storm has passed]

[I want to see you make a happy smile]

[I want to see your gentle eyes]

[I want to hear your gentle voices]

[Even though it is not me that you are calling]

[If you are happy]

[It is enough for me]

[Your happiness is my happiness]

[Even though I won't be there with you]

"That will be a good song. I will make it later, what do you think? I need to let you take a rest.

It is dull to hear my voice."

"Because after you wake up, maybe we don't have time together, and I can not talk to you again.", I said with a cheerful tone.