The First Day Working

"I feel guilty to make you handle his job to Elena." Luke's mother said.

The original Elena lived in Luke's family mansion since she got married. Luke's parents usually spent most of their time abroad, and they barely came back. If they were back, they would come here to stay. Luke has his mansion, and he barely came back too.

You could guess how lonely she was. When the original Elena lived in her family mansion, she was with his twin brother, after she got married, her twin brother decided to move out to because they only lived there to company their big sister.

After the original Elena got married, she lived in Luke's family mansion without step on Luke's private house. Yes, you could say that the original Elena just got married, but it felt like she was not the main wife, but she was only a concubine that her husband hides from his main wife.

You could say, the original Elena could live here without much complaint about it, she never got angry with Luke. She always smiled every time they met even though he always gave her a cold attitude, and he always acted that she was only air that he didn't need to pay attention at all.

If it was me, I didn't know what I could do. Could I hold on in that kind of situation? Elena is a strong woman. After transmigrated, I realized that the man I fell in love with is a cold husband that I could never touch easily. The only thing I could do was giving up. I couldn't stop these feelings, but I could give up. How could I make him melt his cold heart for me? Who am I? I am just a mere woman that could not be too greedy. Greedy never bring you happiness.

Giving up to be with him is an easy thing than giving up for my love, which always grew every time I met him.

"Elena?." mother asked me again with a worried expression.

"Ah, it is okay. I can not let this matter alone. Father is busy already. I can not make him more busiest than now." I said with a sad smile.

"But you didn't look happy at all." mother said with worry on her face.

"Mother do you think he will get angry with me if I help him?", I said with a sad expression.

"Why did you think like that?", mother said again.

"I mean, he never let me step in his office at all this time. If I help him, that means I am not only step in his office, but I interfere with his business."

"Don't worry about it. We will explain it to Luke." mother said with a happy face.

"Hm, I wonder if it will work." murmur silently.

"I will be back, mother," I said

"Be careful on your way," she said with a happy tone.

I walked towards the parking area. There is someone who is already waiting for me there. The man is my right hand Vilio. He handled all of my business when I could not do it my self. I was already busy as is, and Luke was still unconscious. I could understand everything from my last life experience and Elena's memory. I learned faster than anyone else.

The original Elena has some business of her own. She has a famous restaurant and some other side business. Elena also has an agency company which is the number one in this country. She doesn't like to be known so much that no one ever knew who is behind Frost Agency. If everyone knew she is behind Frost Agency, everyone would know about Elena, and everyone will talk about her.

It is the most thing she doesn't like. She has some music broadcast too, but she never shows her face in every cover she did.

If the video is not movie clip video or She will make it in an animation clip based on drama and anime that has already released in public. So, no one who ever knew she is such a scary and powerful girl that you can't underestimate easily.

"Lady, where will we go right now?." Vilio asked her carefully, and It made me come back to reality.

"We will come to Luke's I mean my husband's company," I said with aura full of elegance.

"Sure," Vilio said.

It didn't take a long time to arrive in Luke's company at all. Vilio helped me open the car door, and I stepped outside. I could hear people whispering behind my back.

"who is she?"

"She is so beautiful."

"Is she an artist?"

"Looks how elegant she walks?"

Yes, you could guess that no one knew that I am the boss's wife. Luke never told anyone about our marriage, his parents were angry towards him, but even their anger could not make him melt at all, how about such a random girl like me? How could He listen to me?

I walked towards the company, and someone was already waiting for me there. The young man is Rio Luke's right hand.

"I am already waiting for you, Young lady," Rio spoke politely towards me.

"I already checked the document, so call the marketing and accounting Tim to the meeting room," I said while walking towards the top floor where Luke's room is.

There is so much gossip in Luke's company that day.

"Did you know that there is a beautiful woman come towards the company."

"Who is she?"

"Why can she walk freely in our company?"

"I guess her identity is not that simple."


I sat on Luke's chair with a calm and cold aura. Marketing and Accounting Tim came towards the room.

"Who are you?." all of them are shocked that they did not see their president face.

"Why are you here and call us like you have the right" They looked angry towards me.

Even though no one in the room knew who Elena is, but the shareholder knew who she is. The most influential noble knew her identity as Luke's wife. But some unimportant people with little status or ordinary people never knew who Luke's wife is, and they never knew that Luke has a hidden wife.

"I have the right," I said with calm tone but cold and had a menacing aura.

"You stop speaking nonsense." they can not hold their anger. The people around the office never knew this girl, but she intruded on their company and called them here to the meeting room like a CEO.

"I am the acting CEO for Luke, My name is Elena Marlen," I said

"Our acting president? What can a little girl do here? Did you want to destroy our company? Don't waste our time. Let's get out, everyone", one of them said.

"Are you sure you want to go outside without knowing why I called you here?, Vilio start the video", I said

The video had evidence about their dirty work in Luke's company when he was in a coma. Luke is not easy to deceive, so when he was in a coma, they worked together for their benefit.

They looked at Elena with wide eyes.

"Do you think I will let you go? you tried to destroy Luke's company and give company's secret to Luke's rival, do you think I will let you do it?"

"This cheap tricks won't be out of my sight, did you know I already destroy the company that you worked with, I smile meaningfully

"What?" They looked shocked.

"That little company is just a toy for me, I can destroy it even without lay a hand on them, please don't play under my eyes, of course, I will destroy all of you too" I smiled wickedly.

"Who are you?"

"Me? I am the legal wife of Luke. My name is Elena Marlen, the only daughter of Marlen Family", I said calmly.



"Bring them to the police Rio and don't let them shows up in front of me anymore," I walked away to another room.

I needed to have a meeting with shareholders. Today was tiring. It was not the first time I handled this kind of thing both in my previous life and in this life, but this was surprisingly making me tired. We talked along time about the project, and I already made my plan. I had to go against my big brother's company as a rival. Hm, it was not hard at all. Both of my big brothers are not that strong, which made my father a little disappointed.

My big brother never liked Luke because he always lost from Luke. I wouldn't be lost, either though, how poor you are big brother. But I didn't have feelings towards the original Elena's family except for her twin younger brother, because I will take care of them even though I am not their true sister.

I wondered why did I get transmigrated? Maybe Elena felt sorry about her twin brother, or there is another reason? I didn't know at all.