First Kiss

I couldn't calm down at all. I felt like there is something that possessed me.

My heart couldn't stop beating loudly. I hoped Luke didn't hear it. I was embarrassing, but my hopes were in vain. Luke looked at me intensely.

"Are you okay, Elena?, your heartbeat so fast", Luke looked worried, He put his big palms on her forehead. He could feel her body temperature was rising.

He hugged her tiny waist.

Her body fitted in his arms. He could feel her soft and tender body.

He was grateful to be able to get up from his coma. He couldn't imagine how sad Elena would be if he died. He couldn't. Luke didn't want to see Elena sad. If he died, will she get married to another guy? Luke couldn't stand it. Elena is his. He will not let another guy touch her from head to toe. I will kill them all.

He couldn't help tightening his arms around Elena's waist with threatening aura.

"Luke," He could hear Elena called his name with her tiny whimper. He loosened his hug and buried his head in Elena's shoulder.

He sensed her warmth, her fragrant body, and her heartbeat. His heart softens. It is good to be alive. He could hug his little wife as much as he wants.

"Call me, husband," he said with a tiny voice that only Elena could hear. He couldn't help to soften his voice to make Elena not afraid of him.

"Eh?" I couldn't hear it. What did he say? His voice was too gentle and soft. I barely heard it, so I asked him again.

"Call me husband," he said while looking intimately at her.

"Why? I meant you are my husband but-," before I could answer it, he already covered my lips with his soft lips. I felt his hot tongue come in my mouth, entangled it with my tongue like he wanted to devour all of me to his body. He kissed me like he wanted to mark me as his wife. My mind became blank, and I heard a sexy voice from our kiss.

After he felt satisfied, he let go of my lips. My tongue became numb, and my lips became red and swollen. He is a kissing maniac. It was so hot, and it was my first kiss. I could help it, and my face became red. I could hear someone other than us in the room.

"Oopsie," it sounds like Mom's voice. Her voice sounded guilty.

"Did we came in the wrong time?", Dad said without guilty. He walked like it was an ordinary occurrence.

I was embarrassed. My face and my ear became red. Did Mother and Father know? Did they watch it? I couldn't help glaring at Luke angrily.

Luke looked at his little wife, and he couldn't help smiling ear to ear. His little wife was embarrassed, so cute. He wanted to bully her on the bed.

"Ehem, we are still here, so stop being lovey-dovey," Dad said with a monotone tone.

"You have to recover before do more than that." Mom said while looking at Elena's swollen lips. She never knew that her son is such a beast in human skin. Look at how swollen Elena's lips became. She didn't know to be sad or happy in this kind of situation.

As parents, they were happy to look at their relationship. They felt worried that Luke will still act indifferent towards Elena, but they didn't need to worry about that anymore. They can fight together to stable their relationship. They only had to wait for their grandchildren.

"Doctor says that Luke can go home after a week," Dad said.

"Ah, He also said with Elena's care, Luke's body recover faster, so if there is nothing wrong, Luke will go home in a week," Mom added.

"It is good to hear," but I was embarrassed, Luke didn't stop hugging me in front of his parents. (Hey, where is your manners as a nobleman?)

"Luke.....", I called him with a tiny voice.

"Call me husband, did you forget it already?", He said with anger.

"Husband," it was embarrassing. Luke looked at me with satisfaction.

"Don't worry, don't worry, we didn't look at anything and don't know anything, right honey?", Mom looked at his husband, pitifully.

"Go home, of course. We didn't hear and know anything at all. It is good to be young," Dad added.

"Yeah, I remembered how hard it is to chase your father, he had so many pursuers, and I had to fight with his moonlight and white lotus, and there is his childhood sweetheart," Mom said jokingly.

[Note: moonlight is first love, white lotus is kind outside but have bad character inside]

"Mary," Dad said with anger in his voice.

Mary is Luke's mother's name. Luke's mother comes from a prominent family, and she is a noble too. She had a long history in her life when she was switched at birth and lived as a common girl in a village.

After her adopted parents died, her original parents found her and brought her to the house. Did you think she will have a hard life in her home?

It is not a bad story. In the novel, Luke's mother and the adopted girl are very closed like a twin. They never fought or argued at all.

It is truly peaceful. Mary's birth parents felt satisfied. She has a big brother too who pampered the princess in the house.

The adopted girl already had a fiance at that time when Luke's mother came into the house. In a noble family, it is common to have a fiance at an early age. Her name is Ellisa. Elisa's fiance is Luke's father's best friend. When Ellisa's fiance came, he always brought Luke's father along, and Luke's mother will follow too. It looked like a double date. It was the story of their love that has up and down before they got married.

They still love and treat them fairly even though they found their true daughter, and Ellisa is a kind and gentle girl, so she never acted indifferent to Luke's mother.

"It sounds like palace drama," I said with a cheerful tone.

"It was more than a palace drama. I will tell you, your dad-," before she could continue, Dad already showed his anger: "Mary."

"I will tell you when your dad is not here," Mother said without care about her husband's anger.

"Hehehe, I want to hear it," I said.

Dad already gave in. His wife is not easy to put down these matters. Luke is happy to look at Elena's happy smile.