Elena's Anxiety

Luke hugged me tightly like he was scared to lose me. I wonder why did I think like this? We didn't know each other to understand our feelings clearly. What did he feel about me? Wit love or..., I didn't dare to acknowledge it, but it made me anxious. I had to look forward to the unpredictable future.

Everyone will feel anxious if they have an unstable relationship. Our relationship is fragile as a glass that can break any time it feels to the ground. No one knows how long this relationship will last. Even if Luke kept saying, he loves you the most, but you never knew if he keeps Someone else in their heart.

Everyone uses a smile to hide their sadness. Someone's heart is inside as an ocean. Someone's eyes aren't as vivid as darkness. You can not read them like reading a book.

Someone's mind is unpredictable, with a word we know what they are thinking, with an action, we know how deep his affection to us, even with word and action. We will never know if we are the only ones who accept them. He doesn't lack money, he is handsome, and everyone wants to be his wife.

I am not the only woman in his world. There are thousands of women in his life, and Miona is the only one in his heart. A girl is not the same as a boy who has more anxiety than a boy in a relationship.

A boy is easy to change one girlfriend to another girlfriend without thinking much. But the girl is hard to move on and hard to open up their heart after a break up especially for me.

I never fall in love, but once I fall in love, it is hard for me to move on, and the man we talked about is in front of me. Luke is the only guy that I ever had feelings. I didn't know why it is only him who can steal my heart.

I have met many guys, but no one that can make my heart and mind blank. We can not choose when we fell in love or with whom we fell for. Feelings of love is precious, and we can not predict it when it comes, we feel it that we already fell in love. I never imagined that I would fell to a non-human man. I meant Luke was a fictional character for me before.

Love comes when we never expect it to comes. We didn't know when it came to our life. We only know everything is not as usual anymore. Your mind is full of him. Your heart feels so full and tight.

You are happy without any reason. Every time you see the person you love.

His looks become more pleasing in your eyes, and you are happy every time. You talk with him.

Even if he is not handsome and everyone thinks of him as ugly, but in your eyes, he is the most handsome guy in your life. If he is not pleasing to the eye, but for you, he is your sweetheart.

Love changes everything. It makes you everything he does, makes you fall deeper in love for him.

That is why everyone called love is blind. It is the reason for villainess existence in the novel. She loves him blindly and does everything to attract his attention, but not the attraction she gets. He hates her more each time passes. Love is painful too. You hate how kind he is towards other girls.

You hate it if he doesn't give you any attention. You hate how he is too dense to realize your feelings.

Love has four types. One is you fall in love with him first. Second is to be love first. The third is you will fall in love at first sight, and fourth is you will fall in love with him after you spend more time together.

Love likes two different sides of a coin. There are happiness and sadness in it. Why did I talk about love right now? I thought I lost my mind. It was not time to think about love.

Luke and I are not a couple, even if he showed an over-possessive attitude, but it didn't mean he liked me.

I didn't know why I fall in love with him, and my feelings kept growing like a level in a game. It was always level up nonstop. The thing I like about Luke is not just his appearance that has god level but also his possessiveness.

I read it in the novel. Luke is an over-possessive guy.

It was almost like you have your stalker. Luke controls your every move.

He put a tracking device on your phone. He put hidden bodyguards for you, and he would monitor your every movement.

You lived in the world, but you feel like you trapped in a cage full of gold.

His description of love is as same as a yandere. In the novel, the love story of Miona and Luke didn't have a happy ending.

Luke always doubted Miona's feelings for him. He distrusted her about she would meet up with her ex-crush. He controlled Miona and Miona never had a good relationship with Luke's family.

It was not only Luke's parents, but Luke's big family didn't like Miona. Luke is the only one who loved her. Luke never felt secure in their relationship, and Miona felt unhappy with Luke's attitude.

Miona couldn't stand that situation, and she had an affair behind Luke, but Luke was not that stupid, and he knew as soon as he heard Miona cheated on him, on the same night Miona slept with another guy.

They quarreled every time, Miona was always dissatisfied with Luke's family and complain about it with Luke. They never had a date after they got married, and Luke was unhappy every time and after Miona's affair. Luke never let Miona go at all.

He imprisoned her in their house, but he never came to look at Miona. Even though they got married, Luke never slept with Miona once because he thought Miona was not pure at all, and she already slept with her ex-crush.

It was most likely a bad ending for both of them, but it makes me happier even though the original owner never had a better end with him. Sometimes Luke will think about the original owner, what will happen if they were together. Maybe he will not have a bad ending. Luke never knew how Elena's died, and Luke never knew how did her twins' brother die. It was a melodrama in a novel.