Comforting Her

"What happened? why did you cry?" Luke looked at her pitiful appearance. His heart broke into pieces, and he never felt this way before. His heart was so painful that it was unbearable. Elena didn't answer his question, and he could feel his clothes become wet.

"Elena?" He was panic because Elena never cried before in front of him except when he was unconscious. Elena just clung to his clothes, and he didn't dare to move at all. He just patted her back to comfort this little kitty in his arms.

"Luke," I called his name softly.

"Um," Luke nodded his head and turned his gaze to Elena: "Tell me what happened," he asked.

I just shook my head pitifully and didn't answer his question.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Luke asked again.

I raised my head and looked at his eyes, our eyes locked. I tried to open my mouth, but there was not a word that could come out from it.

"Tell me after you are calm," He said without preach again about the matter.

Elena never hid anything from me, so I will let her calm down first. I could hear her out of breath, and she was running here to meet him. Elena will tell him later. Elena usually was a strong girl, but she was crying so pitifully that broke my heart into pieces.

Luke could hear her breath became soft and calm, and she was sleeping peacefully in his arms. He felt relieved. Luke carried her to the bedroom behind his office. Luke is a workaholic, so he seldom came home if it was not a crucial matter.

He spent almost all of his time in his office, then he put down his little wife's body on a soft bed and closed the window slowly. I will let her sleep for a moment.

"come in," Luke called his secretary and hand man Rio to his office.

"Yes, president, do you need anything?" Rio asked politely.

"Serve her and don't let a pest come in," He said directly and went out of his office to a meeting room. He has a presentation today. He left with a menacing aura.

Rio already understood his job. His president never talked much, so he used to it. His president ordered him to serve his wife if the young lady woke up and didn't let other people than his wife or his family come in his office freely.

From his order, it meant Miss Miona couldn't come in freely either to boss quarter at all. Hm Rio felt insecure every time he met that scum-girl, so he felt relieved that from now on, a young lady could come to the boss's office freely.

Luke never knew what his secretary was thinking and continued his meeting before lunchtime. He already walked faster like a gust of wind and coming in his office. Luke couldn't let his pitiful wife alone here. What would happen if she woke up and he wasn't beside her at all?

Luke looked around, but he didn't see anyone in his office, so his wife was still asleep. He walked to the bedroom and saw a ball on the bed. Why was his wife so cute. He lay down beside her and hugged her tiny body. Ah, I felt alive after she was in his arms.

The girl in his arms moved and turned her gaze to him: "Good morning, my wife," he said gently and stole a kiss in her beautiful soft lips. Luke didn't give her time to respond and come in her mouth to lick her little tongue. Their kiss deepened and stopped after both of them out of breath.

She was so cute.

I couldn't be satisfied to taste every inch of her little mouth. "What time is it?" She asked Luke with glistering eyes.

"It is lunchtime. What did you want to eat? I will make it," he said.

"You will make it? you can cook too in the office?" Elena asked him with doubt in her eyes.

"My office like a little home for me, and I have a kitchen here too," He said.

"I will eat whatever you cook for me," She said while giving a peck on my lips.

"Rest a little bit more, and I will prepare our lunch in a blink," he said while running outside without waiting for Elena to answer him.

I looked at him and couldn't help smiling ear to ear. He was so cute. Who said he was a cold-hearted guy? They were nonsense. I sat down, washed my face, tidied up her clothes and makeup. I walked out of the bedroom and went to the kitchen.

I looked at a man figure in the kitchen. He is so handsome, walked towards him, and hugged him from behind. "Husband," I said with a gentle voice while touching over his body. His muscle is perfect. I liked the feeling of his tight abdominal muscle.

"Elena," He called her name softly, he didn't mind Elena touching him, but it was embarrassing, and his face became hot and red. He never dislike her touch, he always felt disgusting if other women touched him, but Elena was his special wife. She could lay a hand on him as much as she wanted.

"Tell me, why did you cry?" He asked,

I stunned to hear that question and said.

"Your mother had the plan to make us separated if you are not good to me, but I already explain it to her that you are good to me," I said anxiously.

Look!! She never hid anything from me, and my heart became cold at the moment. What will happen if he was not good for her? Will his parents make them separated? Thinking about this made him sad.

I won't let anyone separate us even it was my parents. I won't let them take her away from me. Luke hugged Elena tightly to feel secure.

I will live all of my life with her even Miona couldn't compare with her at all.

"Calm down, I won't let anyone separate us," Luke said with confidence.

"Really?" I asked him again.

"Of course, you will be the only one whom I can spend all of the time with," he said while comforting this little kitty.

I hugged Luke tightly.

She is a girl, but her power is strong enough. He couldn't help touching and petting his soft hair.