Honeymoon Part 5

"Good morning, princess," Luke said with a smile on his face. Luke held Elena's hands and hugged her back. "You are so fragrant," Luke said while kissed her lips and entangled their tongue. I was stunned to see him so active in the morning, but I kissed him back until he was satisfied and reluctantly released me. His hormone is aggressive in the morning, huh. Luke is handsome and an elegant man that everyone wants to lay a hand on him. I feel shy in the morning that he is too good looking. I can't see him in the eye at all. Please, help my fragile heart that wants to savor him whole to my abdomen.

"Why are you so red in the morning, Elena?" Luke asked. Luke is happy to see his wife blush in red as a little tomato. Luke entangled their hands and kissed her palm. "You are so beautiful in the morning, and I couldn't hold the beast inside me at all. I want to savor you completely to my abdomen," Luke teased Elena with a devil smile that the smile didn't reach his eyes.