Selly suddenly gets a boyfriend and a husband candidate.

Selly is not that she has never fallen in love with anyone, but for her, falling in love involves a relationship between a man and a woman because her feelings are unrequited love, and it's not the same as falling in love. Selly is 178 centimeters tall, and she looks tiny when side by side with a tall man like Laxus.

"Why are you in a daze?" Laxus asked with a smile on the corner of his thin lips.

Selly blushed when she saw how charming the man in front of her is. Selly's heart would explode if she still closed to Laxus. 

Laxus could sense that she wanted to run away, and he felt dissatisfied. Selly is the only girl that Laxus permitted to be around him. Laxus also saw that she never had any malice intended towards him. Selly's eyes are pure as clear water, and she smiles from her heart. Every girl came to him for many purposes that made Laxus disgusted with them.