Action Movie in Bathroom Part 1

I wanted to know more, but the memory of the young girl vanished from my mind. I suddenly saw Luke was crying sadly in the ground, and his face was pale, and he looked so sad like an abandoned puppy. I even saw hir tail was down. I wanted to walk toward him, but he kept farther and farther from me.

Then I suddenly could open my heavy eyes. I checked the bed beside me, but I didn't fin Luke. I saw a strange bedroom. Then I remembered that I had a honeymoon with Luke on his private island. I couldn't find Luke everywhere, and I was still half-awake, and I felt lazy to walk round to locate Luke. Then I heard a low sobbing from the corner of the room, and I sensed a smell of alcohol. Then I saw Luke was sobbing with a soft voice in the corner room, and I found out many open beers beside him.

"Luke, what are you doing?" I ran towards him worriedly.

Luke didn't hear my voice at all, and he smells of alcohol. My heart banged in pain when I saw him in sadness.