What Happened?

 Laxus saw Leo and Reo's attitude towards Mary and Luck is not ordinary because they are more intimate than the real son. Laxus never knew that they are too close to each other. Laxus knew that Luke never acted cute in front of his parents before, so Laxus was surprised to see how close they are.

"Please help us wake up the sleeping princess upstairs," Luck said without worry.

No one who doesn't know Laxus character, so both Mary and Luck believe in Laxus too much, and they forget that Laxus is also a man, and a man always hides their beast within their soul. Don't trust men too much if you don't want to be disappointed when they can't live up to your expectations.

Laxus nodded his head and went upstairs to Selly's bedroom. Laxus saw Selly slept cutely on her bed. Laxus felt warm and soft in his heart.