Walze is furious

Walze Almond is a famous surgeon doctor, but no one knew that he used to be a fighter in the past. Walze drove his car towards Alex's apartment without calling him first. Walze was calling up Laxus Harlexis in the morning. Laxus was waiting for Selly to get ready when he received a call from Walze. Walze's mother is Roselin Harlexis, a younger sister of Laxus's father, Morlan Harlexis. Roselin is a pampered princess in the Harlexis family.

Laxus grandparents wanted to have a daughter because in Harlexis' family history, getting a daughter in the family bloodline is difficult, and their genes only produced son more than a daughter. The only princess in the Harlexis family was in four family generations before Laxus. A daughter is only born one in a decade, and they have a son more than a daughter.