Marx and El discussed about Elena.

El was sitting down in his office with a solemn face. He read the report on his desk, and his face turned darker than usual. Marx came to El's office, and he looked at his big brothers' dark look, then he tilted his head in confusion. El big brother never gets angry without any reason because he is not a hot temper person. Marx already knows his big brother inside and outside. El is not this type of person at all.

"Big brother, what are you doing," Marx talked to him, but it seemed that El didn't hear anything at all. [1]

El continued to read the report that he got from his subordinates, and he clenched his fist tightly. El was so angry that Reo and Leo dared to hide this from him. El couldn't accept it like he knew nothing at all. El was also proud at the same time because both of his younger siblings were capable of doing everything with their own power, but El couldn't accept it because they dared to hide this from him, their older brother.