Walze and Elena First Meeting

"Gohommm," Walze coughed.

Luke and Elena were still looking at each other absentmindedly. Walze couldn't bear this scene any more than this, so once again, he coughed.

"Uhuk...Uhukk," Walze glared at Luke, who acted like he didn't hear anything.

I suddenly heard someone's cough so bad and turned my gaze at the young man behind Luke. This young man is someone that I never met before. I sat down on the bed and tidied up my hair with my fingers. Luke glared at Walze fiercely, but Walze didn't budge at all. Luke couldn't keep his bearing aura and decided to scowl at Walze silently.

I never knew that Luke could restrain himself in front of this young man. If Luke is a tiger and then this young man is the mama bear. I turned my gaze at the young man and said softly, "I am sorry for making you see something indecent. It is our first meeting, but I already let you see something inappropriate. My name is Elena Marlen, nice to meet you."