Argument between El and Marx

"Why do you defend Luke Vander, who left our sister for more than three years," El said with fierce eyes.

"Who said that we defended Luke Vander? Please, don't accuse us without evidence. We never defended anyone in this matter," Marx looked at his big brother with a dissatisfied expression. 

Marx changed glances between Misa and Yuna before he turned his gaze back at his big brother. Misa and Yuna also shook their head as a sign that they also didn't stand up for Luke Vander.

"It is not funny at all, Marx. I clearly heard that you defended him," El was angry because Marx didn't acknowledge that he earlier defended Luke Vander.

"I never defended anyone. I only asked you, 'Do you never make any mistake before, big brother?' Which word shows that I stand up for Luke Vander? I never even once mentioned his name. Are you daydreaming, big brother?" Marx smiled while hiding his real intention.