Mimi and Shen

Shen looked at Mimi's back, and his heart broke into pieces. Mimi is his first love, but it ended like this. Tears escaped from Shen's eyes. Shen barely cried, and it was the second time he sobbed in his life.

Laxus saw Shen and Mimi's argument, and it made him think that it was his fault that Shen talked like that towards Mimi. Laxus left Shen alone without Shen knowing about his escape.

Shen bent down on the floor, and he looked so pitiful. Shen was really unhappy that his relationship ended like this. Mimi really walked out of his life without looking back. Shen sobbed silently.

"Why are you crying when you were the one who asked me to break up?" 

Mimi's voice came out from the way she walked away earlier. Mimi was angry because Shen thought that her feelings toward him are only a substitute for Luke. Mimi's feelings towards Shen are complicated because Mimi can't describe her love for Shen with one word.