I don't care about it

"I will call you later, Lisa," Alex smiled at her, then he walked to his car. Alex waved his hand to Lisa, and then he drove away. 

Lisa returned to reality after Alex drove away, and she shook her head helplessly. Lisa didn't know that someone was watching her and Alex from the second floor.

Why was it so quiet? I opened my heavy eyes and looked around. I didn't see Luke everywhere. Where is he? I tried to call his name, but he didn't answer me.

"Luke," I called him, but it was only the gust of wind that answered my call.

I heard a car engine from outside, and I went to the window to check who it was? My legs were sore because Luke couldn't control the beast inside him. I peeked from the window and saw someone's car.

Whose car is it? I wondered about it, but my question got the answer when the man in the driver's seat helped Lisa to open the car door. Alex? Why was Lisa with Alex?