Alex introduced his friend to Lisa

Lisa blushed, and her face was so red.

"Please don't tease me like that," Lisa yelled at Alex with dissatisfaction.

"I was not teasing you, but I was only telling you the truth," Alex smirked with an evil smile.

Lisa stopped talking and avoided Alex's gaze, and she looked at another side of the restaurant. Lisa really thought that this restaurant was too expensive for her.

The restaurant is called "The White Moon." There is a story behind this name. The owner of this restaurant made this place not because he does not have enough money.

The owner made this restaurant after he successfully chased back the girl he loved. The owner had a female best friend, and they already knew each other from kindergarten.

Their family knew each other and hoped they could be in-law someday. But both of them didn't have any feelings towards each other, and they kept being friends for a long time.