Three Hours

"I don't want to forgive you at all. I hate you to the bone of my marrow, and I only need Youkai in my life. I don't need you anymore because I can live even without you in my life," I shouted at Luke and pushed him away as hard as I could.

I didn't expect that Luke's hug was too weak that I could break it easily. Luke looked at me with a dumbfounded look and lowered his head sadly. 

Luke didn't expect Elena to say hurtful words like that to him. Was he too cruel to Elena before, so it made her dissatisfied with him? Elena said that she really hated him so much then was it my punishment because I left Elena for three hours last night?

Elena hated me because I left her alone for a long time, then it was really a miracle that she still loves me after I abandoned her alone for three years. Luke was full of guilt at this time, and he could only lower his head.