Sweet Torture

I turned my gaze at Luke and smiled evilly. I caressed Luke's chest gently and left a kiss mark on it, and now all of Luke's bosom was full of my kiss mark.

"Elena?" Luke used to have great control of himself, but Everything was not the same as before because he has Elena now.

Luke called Elena's name full of desire, but he saw Elena ignored his call like he never talked. Luke tried hard to control his body, and he was successful in doing it, but it felt like hell for him.

Luke really wanted to talk to Elena, that he couldn't hold on anymore, but he shut his mouth instead for fear Elena would really leave him if he told her about it.

"Hubby, I really love your muscle, especially your chest muscle. Your chest is soft and fluffy- I won't get tired of caressing them every day. 

I want to kiss them every morning," I said with a gentle and shooting voice, but I was exaggeratedly talking about his chest all the time.