I am sorry Part 1

Selly woke up in the morning after she could only sleep for two minutes. Selly's heart was beating fast, and she had cold sweat all over her body at this time. Selly is a timid girl deep down with a firm look outside.

 No one could guess how timid she was inside because her face always looked like she wanted to kill someone only with her gaze. Selly always does something that she thinks is right, but later she will feel guilty all over her heart when she knows that she is too much.

 Selly can't sleep at night when her anxiety disorder surrounds her heart. No one knows that she had an anxiety disorder- not even Elena knows about this. Selly always thinks that it is not common to have this kind of disease, so she hides it from everyone.

Selly already has anxiety disorder since she was three years old, and it was the year when she lost her parents in a plane crash. It was not natural for a three years old baby to start to remember everything in their life.