Pitiful Luke

I bit his lower lip gently, and my heart was uncomfortable when I saw the tears left on his face.

"Why were you crying?" I asked him with a soft and gentle voice. Luke was not angry at me because I hung up his phone without his consent.

Luke hugged Elena gently and leaned on her shoulder. Luke was uncomfortable when Selly said Elena used to wait for him every night, but he never returned.

Luke's heart fell apart, and it was unbearable for him. Luke couldn't see Elena in the eyes because of this.

I didn't know why Luke acted like this as soon as I ended Selly's call. It was tiring to keep standing like this, so I said, "Let's take a seat first. My feet are sore because we stand too long."

Luke didn't look me in the eyes, but I could feel he nodded his head around my shoulder. I didn't know why he acted like a baby. He was so cute, though.