I don't eat honey but...

I sat down on top of his lap, blinking in surprise as I listened to the words flowing from his lips. My cheek flushed in red, and then I hid my face in his broad chest.

Luke saw Elena's face turned red, and she hid her whole face in his broad chest. Luke rubbed her hair lightly and whispered in her ear, "You are cute, Elena.

You are very brave to stop my tears by kissing my lips, but you handily get shy from hearing my confession."

"I will not feel bored to see you changing your expression for a whole day. I am lucky to have such a cute wife like you," Luke added, and then he kissed Elena's cheek lightly.

"Where did my brave wife go? I can't imagine my shy wife could kiss me on the lips to stop my tears, but now she sits down on my lap while hiding her face on my chest," Luke said with a faint laugh on his lips.

My face became hotter because Luke was teasing me like this. I hit Luke's chest lightly as a sign of embarrassment.