Nexus's Anxiety Part 2

Morlan, Lamina, and Laxus were crying silently. It was Nexus' first time talking about his real feelings to them.

Morlan and Lamina ever asked Nexus about this matter, but Nexus only shook his head.

Morlan and Lamina couldn't force young Nexus to tell them because it wouldn't be good for his mental state.

Morlan was the first one who broke the silence between them.

"We always think of you as our son even before you lived in our house.

We always think of you as one of our sons even before your parents were still alive.

Your parents wouldn't ask us to take care of you if they weren't sure you would get affection from us.

No parent is willing to let their child be with parents who are rude and irresponsible.

Your parents chose us to look after you because they believe you will not lack anything when you are with us, both from a financial and affection perspective.