Our Date Part 2 (Luke&Elena)

I shook my head vigorously because I heard Luke's words from outside.

"It was only two minutes passed, Husband," I answered with a patient.

Luke couldn't believe what he heard from Elena's mouth. How could he believe his wife's words when he felt so long.

"I will be ready for a moment, so wait there without a sound," I added while choosing a dress for our date.

I didn't dare to choose my dress for so long because Luke would get upset again if I were too long.

It was not long for me to be ready for our date. I opened the door and saw Luke was standing in front of our bedroom door with an anxious look.

Luke's face seemed like he lost something.

"Husband, are you waiting for long?" I asked Luke, who turned his gaze at me and hugged me in his arms tightly.

Luke nodded his head and said with a pitiful voice, "I waited for too long."

Luke's voice sounded like an abandoned puppy who would never meet up with its owner anymore.