The Harlexis Daughters In Law

Morlan, who sat down next to Lamina, could hear their conversation clearly even though Lamina didn't turn on the loudspeakers. Morlan saw Lamina's bright eyes like she was about to get a new grandchild from her son.

Lamina couldn't control her expression at this time and turned her gaze at her husband. "Dear, do you know that our youngest son already has a girlfriend? Our oldest son already finds his bride, and the youngest son also finds one."

"Our second son is the only one who doesn't have anyone by his side. Don't you think that he looks pitiful?" Lamina added with an upset voice.

"Alex has a girlfriend? Do I know the young woman who accepts our youngest son?" Morlan asked seriously. Morlan is not the past Morlan who only thinks about money and status.

In this life, Morlan prioritizes his children's happiness above anything. He doesn't care about status and wealth as much as he did in the previous life.