Elena's Little Hero

The real reason why Marx stayed in second place at school is because he loves the second place. Marx wants everyone to remember that he is the second child of the family.

Marx wants everyone to remember that he has an older brother and three cute siblings under his name. It was not hard for Marx to get the first place, but he didn't want to do that. 

As a second son, Marx wanted to be in his older brother's shadow. Everyone will think that he is pitiful, but Marx doesn't think so. The happiest thing in his life is to be in his older brother's shadow.

Marx always thinks shadow is more capable than the limelight. The limelight is a place for everyone to get familiar with by millions of people all over the country.

A shadow is a place for everyone to hide from the limelight. Marx has an obsession as the most capable shadow in history. 

El is the CEO of their business, while Marx is the shadow. He helps El in everything.