A Devoted Parent

I got awakened by the noises made by several people around me. When I opened my eyes, I saw such a scene where Luke kneeled down in front of my older brothers.

My mind was still blank because I just woke up. Ah, I knew why Luke kneeled down in front of my older brothers. He wanted to beg for forgiveness from them.

El and Marx were shocked because Elena suddenly woke up without warning. They never wished to wake up their little cutie.

El headed towards Elena's bed, and he patted her head after he was near Elena.

El: "Are you alright, Elena?"

Elena: "Big Brother, I am fine. I'm really sorry for worrying you."

I looked at El with apologetic eyes. El's heart softened when he saw Elena's teary eyes.

El: "No, don't say that. I am relieved that you are okay now. I am already happy to see you can smile again."

El sat down on the bed and hugged Elena gently. 

Elena: "Big Brother."